Tarot Reading for Rogergu:
Rogergu wrote:
Hello Heather,
Interesting blog, I have always wanted to try a reading but never really took the time. I would like to request a reading from you.
There has been a lot of changes at work lately and I have been feeling a little uneasy. Can you give me some insight ?
Dear Rogergu,
I do not see a focus on money anywhere here, so the issue at hand does not seem to be about your financial security but rather the shifting dynamics around you.
A woman (she has children) will assist you in navigating the maze ahead.
Your greatest asset at work is your ability to get what you want without being obvious and obnoxious about it. People want to help you, they may even think it was their idea, when you led them there all along.
You recently gained greater access to the "loop" - that clique of people who are able to let you in on information that isn't supposed to be public.
Coming up shortly, you are going to see the slowdown of recent momentum. I don't think these changes are going to affect you very much. You've played it safe, and will continue to do so. There is no movement showing up here, except in one area. There is something you have been waiting for, and your wait is about to end. And what is it that you were waiting for? The message is cryptic. It suggests that amatuer hour is over. I don't see a promotion, but rather an improvement in the configuration of people you are surrounded by. People who don't make your work environment any better will be replaced with those who will.
Feel free to ask any follow up questions.
8 of swords reversed crossed by the Empress
High Priestess
6 of cups reversed
Chariot Reversed
8 of cups reversed
King of pentacles reversed
Seven of Swords reversed
Two of Wands reversed
4 majors (2,3,7 &8 )in the cross itself (All minor numbers represented by correcponding minors EXCEPT #6 the Lovers)
two 2's
one 3
one 6
two 7's
three 8's
or: x223xx677888)