Free Psychic Tarot Reading - Love and Life!

A Free Psychic Tarot Reading? Sure! And they are all posted here. You, of course, can be anonymous, but your detailed reading will be posted in its entirety. In return for the reading, you promise not to vanish back into cyberland before leaving comments on the actual reading itself. You are welcome to ask follow up questions as well. NO where else on the web will you find free, detailed readings done by a live person (me). Compliments of Love and Life Tarot!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Free Readings!

For the Love of Tarot, and because the web is full of psychics offering readings -but most of them don't let us peek over their shoulders. Understandably so, if the client is paying, so I thought this would be a fun idea. Contact me with a specific question or a request for a general reading by leaving a comment here.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

please send my free reading?

At 12:23 AM, Blogger bluey said...

Hi Heather,
I am always in Tarot Readings. And would be nice to get some "enlightment" from you..

I need to know about my job and my love life (of course!)

Thanks very much

At 6:24 AM, Blogger 2ndkid said...

Hi Heather,

I was hoping for insighta on marriage prospects with a dishy activist and job prospects as well. Will he ask me to marry him?


At 2:03 AM, Blogger gracie said...

Hi Heather

I've been seeing a guy for around 5 months, but have no idea how he feels about me or whether i should carry-on with the relationship.


At 10:46 PM, Blogger nikki said...

Hi Heather,

I'd like a free reading about my love life.

Thanks! :-)

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Heather,
First of all I'd like to thankyou for giveing myself and everyone else this opportunity.

I would really be grateful for a tarot reading on my love life. where it is at the moment and what lays ahead in the future and what I should do about it.

In addition, I would like to know where my life is heading.


At 1:24 PM, Blogger Bridget said...

Hi, I would like a reading please.

I'm in a rocky marriage and may have feelings for another man but I don't know how this man feels.
Please provide me with guidance.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger Jane said...

There is a man whom I love very much. he has just resurfaced after 8 mons.
I'm asking if this will lead to a commintment this time, or is he still wanting a casual relationship.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger serene said...

Hi Heather,

I am from singapore and I've always wanted to get a free tarot reading. But because most websites are too commercialised and I really do not know if they are real, I didnt enquire any reading from them.

But I've stumbled upon your blog and was attracted to how real it was and therefore wanting to request a reading from you. Hope you would do me this favour.

My problem is, I have a crush on this guy from my primary school. But I didn't fell for him during the times we were in the same school. It was only when I met him on the same flight that I started to fell for him.

When I came back from the vacation, I realised that he was actually a friend of a friend in my high school. There were so many coincidences in life but we never once talk.

It has been almost 5 years but he is still very much on my mind. I knew he was the one, but I wonder if he likes me as much as I like him, or rather, am I significant in his life? Is it possible for us to have a future together?

Thanks alot heather for your time taken. =)

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Jen35 said...

I would like to try a free reading. I am interested in knowing about financial prosperity for the future - and about a relationship I have been in for sometime now.

I want to know directly what challenges and obstacles that I face in the relationship - and how it can be the most positive!

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Ding said...

Dear Heather,
I'm feeling very... confused right now. I feel attracted to this guy who I barely ever get to see, though I do think we have a bit of a friendship going on. I don't know how I should approach this, whether or not I'm ready for a relationship, how he feels about me... Can you perhaps give me some insight?

Thank you so much.

At 8:55 PM, Blogger ms_lekia26 said...

Hello, Lekia Katina Holloway I was born March 29 1981. I want to know your comment about me and my male friend Michael D Davis now he was born October 1 1980 am i presssing to hard for a towards a relationship that won't work out i haven't asked him about a relationship yet would i make a mistake if i do decide to ask him. Sincerely Yours, Lekia Katina Holloway.

At 1:03 AM, Blogger brandy7 said...

hello! my name is brandy ryan. I am currently seeing a man named rich. I would like to know whatever it is that important for me to know about this relationship. thanks so much!

At 2:10 AM, Blogger centrifugal_devil said...

Hi Heather,

I just stumbled upon your blog and it was really interesting. I was wondering if I could get a reading about my love life from you?

At 10:14 AM, Blogger jojo1 said...


Would love to have an insight into my career prospects.

With regards to love-life - bit of a mess really - my ex will not leave me alone after 2.5 yrs - I have feelings for someone else but not sure where to go with it!

Can you give me some insight into how to develop this as I feel my ex keeps me from moving on by making life difficult.

Thank you x

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Kit Kippling said...

Hello. First off, thanks much in advance for the free reading.

I am wondering if I am wasting time with my publication and who I was and where I lived in a past life.

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I would greatly appreciate a reading on my love life.

I have been seeing this one guy and I have strong feelings for him. However, things have gotten a little choppy. I was wondering if things are going to pan out and if he is "the one".

At 4:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Heather,

I would love to have a love reading please the man I'm seeing has gone quite all of a sudden and i don't know what to think or do?

Thanks alot

At 5:39 PM, Blogger barbara said...

Dear Heather,
Can i please request a reading as i am desperatly in need of some guidance as i have had a lot of issues surrounding my children and ex-partner. I would also like to have some insight into my current relationship.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger barbara said...

Dear Heather,
Can i please request a reading as i am desperatly in need of some guidance as i have had a lot of issues surrounding my children and ex-partner. I would also like to have some insight into my current relationship.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger I am... said...

Hello, I'd like to request a reading if possible about my marriage & career. I need to make important decisions. Thanks.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Valerie said...

Good Morning Heather,

I would like to request a free reading. I would love to know where my career is taking me and where my current relationship is heading.

Thank you,


At 8:30 AM, Blogger ribbons78 said...

I've recently split up from my husband and have had a pretty bad time over the past few years, just wanting to know what the future holds on a personal level and finacial level. Would be really greatful for a reading to shead some light.

Many thanks x

At 8:34 AM, Blogger ribbons78 said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Shivani Bhatt said...

The past month was hell for me and now I am looking for answers. Please suggest me things I should know about my future.(both financially and on the personal front too)

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

I happened to come across your site doing some research on psychic abilities and I thought it would be interesting to get a reading from someone who knows nothing about me. I've been to 2 tarot card readers and I'm still a little skeptical. The first was someone from out of town who knew nothing about me but her reading was very general, things that I or anyone could have assumed about my life. The second was a reader in my small hometown who gave me interesting results but I feel like she may have known my story a little too well seeing as how everyone knows everyone in my town. I would appreciate it greatly if you could help me I'm kinda to a point in my life where I need to make a decision that could affect my entire future. Thank you so much!

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hi Heather,

I am interested in whether there will be any big changes for me in the next few terms of work, travel, love? I feel in a bit of a lull. :)

Thanks for your input and time.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger cornutopia said...

Hi Heather,
First of all, thank you for your free don't see that too often.
Could you please do a reading as far as the areas in my life I need to focus on at this moment. I would appreciate it.


At 10:03 PM, Blogger stormy_haze said...

I want to know when the fame and money that i seek will be mine. Please tell me if you see anything promising related to my career in the near future.

Much thanks

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It is a very nice blog I have come across. I am in very much confusion
I have been seeing a guy for almost 6 months through long distance relationship. We broke up in April. continued to be friend but further broke up. Now he doesnt want to even keep in touch and asked me not to contact him anytime further.
His initials are CP . Can you please give insight on the following
if we have potential to come back togther and will it be successful this time


At 1:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

can you please post your insight to

At 12:12 PM, Blogger debora said...

my neme is debora albornoz,was born the 7/9/88 I would want to know if edgar chamorro that was born the 7/9/88 is in love with me and will come back soon,thanks.

At 4:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi...I would like a career reading if that is possible.

thanks in advance.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger melissawho said...

Hi, you have peaked my interest. I would love a free reading.

At 7:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Heather,
I'm looking for real love. Where and when will I meet my true lover? How is his personality and appearance? What's his sign?
My DOB: 13-3-1986. My country: Vietnam

Thanks a lot.

At 2:38 AM, Blogger Roma said...

Heather, thank you for giving querents around the world this opportunity.

Can I please have some insight on my spiritual journey, where I should be directing my energies and path, and the past-life influences or future influences hindering or enhancing my path?

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will I be financilly secure?
I help so many people in need. There are times when I don't have enough money to pay my bills. What age will I be when I die? I am thinking about more life insurance.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Shopgrl0001 said...

Hi my name is Jennifer Lynn Dempster. Born 2-27-80. I recently got out of a bad situation with Michael Fredric Gossard that eventually ended up getting him fired.

It seems that there's a new guy around me at my work name Ruben.

I was wondering if I'm heading into a relationship with him? I'm always feeling his sexual energy, and it gets really strong at night. Can he also feel the same? Also October 5, 2010 after I was finished talking to a co worker he looked me the eyes and held his stare. What did that mean? If I'm meant to be with Ruben right now I'm scared to repeat the situation I just got out of Anyway thanks for your time, and help. I really do appreciate it.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Jennifermarie623 said...

I would like to know if my sons father is going to ever pop the question "will you marry me"?

At 5:09 PM, Blogger joanna said...

hi Heather,
just writing to you because i want to find out whether my relationship is going to last and should i take a step further.. am i so strong to bear all the consequnces??
am i going to find a job?
Should i go back at the university?
i am so confused..

At 7:02 AM, Blogger ponvampie said...

Hi, i was recently surfing on the internet and stumbled with your blog!

I would like to request a reading from you about my career and love life !

i would really be thankful if you give me one.. my bday is Oct 2, 91 if you need it . hehe

and my name is Alicia Garza ! ;) i dont know if it helps but well i feel that you might need it ;)

thank you !

have an awesome day !

At 3:43 AM, Blogger Daniel Thomas said...

My life has been full of many unpleasant surprises lately. Please check for me what going? Love life, work situation, my family, life in general.


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,
Thank you for taking the time to read my request.

I had a reading done a few months ago, the reading was very insightful but it has left me very confused.

Love is what I needed answers to. The woman said that I will have a cross road, I will have a make a choice between two. One being the current man in my life, A, and another.

I love the man in mt life, but unfortunately he is not free to love me.. And maybe that why I'm seeking answer because I don't know if he will ever be.. Does he love me and is he sincere?

I have two other friends, L and R, nothing has ever happened between me and either one of them, not sure if the choice I'll need to make will maybe between the current and one of them?

My mom goes to her often, and she said more insightful things to her about me but still no clear answers..
Please can you help me get a more definite answer.

Thanking you in advance

Regards S

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Anniebell said...

Hi I would like to know about my last year of high school and what will happen with where I want to go to college. I've always wanted a reading I love this stuff!

At 5:04 PM, Blogger slim said...

hey heather. can i get a reading? love is what im aiming for. will he take me back after i tell him i loved him? im kinda desperate here.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Angelic said...

Hi Heather my name is Angelic and I really need some advice about my love life and I would love to get a reading from you. Thanks in advance. The problem is that 2 years ago an old friend that I hadn't seen since high-school came back to town and went to our 10year reunion. While there he saw a friend of mine and brought me up in conversation. We had a difficult moment in our second year of high-school and I want to know what are his feelings for me. Other psychics have told me that he has always loved me and that I will see him again. Is it true?

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Angelic said...

Hi Heather my name is Angelic and I really need some advice about my love life and I would love to get a reading from you. Thanks in advance. The problem is that 2 years ago an old friend that I hadn't seen since high-school came back to town and went to our 10year reunion. While there he saw a friend of mine and brought me up in conversation. We had a difficult moment in our second year of high-school and I want to know what are his feelings for me. Other psychics have told me that he has always loved me and that I will see him again. Is it true?

At 9:24 AM, Blogger jmb1963 said...

Hello Heather,

I am interested in a reading. I have had a few partials before but I am, of course, skeptical. However, I can't see the harm in it. So, I have a condition that has effected me for about 35 years. It has affected my qualitiy of life and my dreams. I would like to know the following:

1)Will I ever be able to get my condition under control?

2)Will I be financially independent? By this, I mean no longer worrying about money and to be able to work because I want to and not because I need to.

3)Am I destined to find my significant other or to live alone?

I hope this isn't too much. I am interested in your answers.

Thank you for your time.

At 5:48 AM, Blogger shy said...


I' love to get a reading from you.

I am specifically interested to know your insight about love matters.


At 5:50 AM, Blogger shy said...

Hello Heather,

I'd love to get a reading from you.
I am specifically interested in your insight about love matters.


At 11:38 PM, Blogger wee ;-) said...

Hello Heather,

I love your blog! I recently tried card reading, and it amazed me how a stranger could pick up some elements in my life.

I would like to request a reading from you. I'm about to enter a new chapter in my life, and work has also been occupying my mind lately. I need some insights.

Thank you!

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Ashlie said...

I'd love to have a free reading.

Things have been hectic in my life lately and I was wondering if what I want is for the best.

At 4:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Heather,

I would like to have a free reading because I am curious what will happen next in my life..


At 10:07 PM, Blogger meli said...

Hello heather ,
I've been put on a standing wait for my ex he says we will get back together but I'd like to know if he will or not. So I'd like a reading on my love life and my life
please I

At 10:07 PM, Blogger meli said...

Hello heather ,
I've been put on a standing wait for my ex he says we will get back together but I'd like to know if he will or not. So I'd like a reading on my love life and my life
please I

At 6:31 AM, Blogger shenoylatz said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 3:29 AM, Blogger HappyFeet said...

Would love you to do my tarot reading :)

look forwards to an affirmation!


At 4:06 AM, Blogger jmb1963 said...

Has anyone received their requested reading? It's been over a year and I haven't seen or heard anything. Is Heather doing this anymore?

At 3:28 AM, Blogger Joy said...

Hi Heather,
There are many things that keep me up at night. I am wondering if you can pick up on them.

I appreciate your help!

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

A psychic recently told me that I will have another husband in my life. I would like to know who he is and what is he like?

Thank you

At 8:58 PM, Blogger kumarsv said...

Hello Heather,

I really appreciate the work that you do. I am going through a flux in both my professional and personal life. May I request you a reading to provide me with insights.

Thanks much

At 9:01 PM, Blogger kumarsv said...

hello Heather,

I really appreciate your free reading.

I going through flux in both personal and professional life. May I request you to provide insights with your reading.

Thanks much

At 12:41 PM, Blogger vini said...

Hey hi, I wanna know what you see in my future? Will I marry the guy I'm dating right now?

Thanks :)

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Brandy said...

I continuously rack my brain with worry and concern about my health, finances and my home front could you give me some spiritual insight as to what the stars may have in store for me, thank you!

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

we are broke up now you see us marry and be together?

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

please send my free reading

At 2:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 12:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hello Heather

Could I have a reading please. I am going through a rough patch as regards to my love life and career.

Thank you

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am Mr.Karthee from Bangalore India, I am planning to take a school on lease, will i do financially well and make this project successful ? Please guide me. The Name of The School is Nalanda Vidya Peetha

At 6:12 AM, Blogger Cc said...

Hi I was wondering what you could see for my love life i am currently single ,thanks😊


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